There’s no getting around it

October 21, 2012

The Fall Clean Up. In order to get the maximum beauty and enjoyment from your outdoor environment next year you have to extend a little effort now. Turn that afternoon of raking and picking up fallen twigs and debris into a little creative exercise. If you need to adjust things…remove a tree or overgrown shrub, come up with an effective plan to keep the deer from tearing the place up or plant some new tulip variety to usher in next spring… take the opportunity to make those adjustments or additions now. If everything seems to be in good order why not give some thought to your holiday decorations. A bit of well spent time now will make the whole process much simpler once the holidays kick into gear. Need a little incentive? How about  whipping up a sample batch of this  Boiled  Apple Cider Bourbon Cocktail  by Lillie at Butter Me Up Brooklyn…just a smart little something to add to the special blend of sights, smells and tastes that are Fall.

2 Responses to “There’s no getting around it”

  1. sclues Says:

    I like the sound of that cocktail 🙂

  2. bobbe marston (bjohn) Says:

    even if i don’t actually follow all your great ideas i enjoy a
    good moment of contemplation and life seems better…

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